Wednesday, 26 December 2007

How a strange geography professor tried to eliminate 12 of 50 USA states

In the 1970s, strange geography professor C. Etzel Pearcy proposed redrawing the borders of the US states, reducing them from 50 to 38. Each new state’s name was chosen to represent a physical of cultural aspect of each new territory. This realignment was supposed to be more ‘organic’ and more logical, as major population centres such as Kansas City would no longer be located in two different states. Needless to say, the idea never left the drawing board.

Found on this page of the South Dakota Magazine.

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Sunday, 23 December 2007

Imperial Texas: imagine a Texas Republic map

Texas is a special state within the US - not only the biggest of the contiguous 48 states, but also culturally distinct. Furthermore, it was at one time an independent state, after secession from Mexico and before absorption by the USA. This map of imaginary Texas Republic shows what Texas might have been, had it remained independent and prospered.

Image of a Texas Republic Map can be found at images/imperialtx.jpg

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Saturday, 22 December 2007

Map of Maine: Stephen King's version

Horror writer Stephen King is a native of Maine and still lives there. Most of his books are situated in the state, although not all the towns he uses are real. This map shows real-world burgs in Maine (in green) and fictional localities (in blue).

This map can be found on Stephen King’s official website.


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Pennsylvanian Lunatic asylum districts: which one is 'yours'?

I like maps. I like weird maps, the kind you won’t find in a regular atlas. Maps of countries that never existed - or never will exist. I’ve given up on categorizing the maps I’ve collected so far - irredentism, alternate history,… - and decided to just be a little less anal. So, just for fun, here are the weirdest maps I found on the internet.

This map for ‘Hospital districts for insane in Pennsylvania can be found online at this site.


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